Sixth International Workshop on
Guided Self-Organization (GSO-2013) The 6th International Workshop on Guided Self-Organization is a satellite Workshop at the 2013 European Conference on Complex Systems which takes place in Barcelona during 16-20 September 2013. The Complex Systems Society sponsors this annual event. GSO-2013 takes place on 18 September 2013 (Barcelona, Spain).
Research Aims and Topics
The goal of Guided Self-Organization (GSO) is to leverage the strengths of self-organization while still being able to direct the outcome of the self-organizing process. GSO typically has the following features: (i) an increase in organization (structure and/or functionality) over some time; (ii) the local interactions are not explicitly guided by any external agent; (iii) task-independent objectives are combined with task-dependent constraints.
Of particular interest are well-founded, but general methods for characterizing such systems in a principled way with the view of ultimately allowing them to be guided toward pre-specified goals. Information theory, nonlinear dynamics and graph theory are core to many of these methods, and quantifying complexity and its sources is a common theme. A number of attempts have been made to formalize aspects of GSO within information theory and dynamical systems: empowerment, information-driven evolution, robust overdesign, reinforcement-driven homeokinesis, predictive information-based homeokinesis, interactive learning, etc. What is common to many examples of GSO is the characterization of a system-environment loop in information-theoretic terms. However, the lack of a broadly applicable mathematical framework across multiple scales and contexts leaves GSO methodology incomplete. Devising such a framework and identifying common principles of guidance are the main themes of the GSO-2013 workshop, continuing the tradition established at previous GSO Workshops: GSO-2008 (Sydney, Australia), GSO-2009 (Leipzig, Germany), GSO-2010 (Bloomington, USA), GSO-2011 (Hatfield, UK), and GSO-2012 (Sydney, Australia). The GSO-2013 workshop will bring together invited experts and researchers in self-organizing systems, with particular emphasis on the information- and graph-theoretic foundations of GSO and the information dynamics of adaptive systems. The following topics are of special interest: information-theoretic measures of complexity, nonlinear dynamics, complex networks, information-driven self-organization (IDSO), applications of GSO to complex networks, distributed computation, machine learning, swarm intelligence, bio-inspired systems, computational neuroscience, systems biology, cooperative and modular robotics, etc. The program includes 1 day, with three keynote talks and ten regular presentations. Organising Committee
Program Committee
Keynote Speakers